While different practical courses, which were completed in the context of the exchange in the years 2000 and 2001 in Togo and 2005 in Burkina Faso in different hospitals, among other things also at the university clinic by Lomé, many new realizations could over the medical supply in developing countries are collected. These experiences were on the one hand valuable for the further study of the participants, on the other hand gave them new impacts for the work of the project west Africa, for which now six new aims could be formulated:
1. Purposeful donations of medicines and medical material

The medicines and the material any longer indiscriminately to collect and than group-accompanying (over -) luggage in the airplane not carry forward do not want, since this represents a very expensive and ineffective method, above all because most medicines the medical needs in Togo were adapted.
Also the German enclosing notes placed not to underestimate problem through discussions with experienced development aids experienced we that there is the possibility, of the WHO recommended “Basic aid medicines” to order and to the goal transport too read.
The project west Africa will thus organize ill humans in west Africa now by different meetings the money for such purchases, because we see therein an optimal possibility, urgently needed cheap, however effective and tropicalized to send as well as with more or English-language enclosing notes equipped medicines.
The donation of donated or the financing of new medical devices is now better coordinated with the responsible local doctors. So we know that the X-ray machine at the University Hospital of Lomé is currently broken and therefore a new one urgently needs to be bought. At the same time, just as with the acquisition of microscopes and other laboratory materials (such as pipettes, pipette tips), we depend on donations.
2. Building of a health center as well as children’s home.
In rural range that is insufficient medical supply network in Togo In the capital Lome, on the other hand, prevails already nearly one" over supply" mit to public hospitals and so-called private hospitals.
In rural areas of Togo, the medical supply network is inadequate, while in the capital Lomé there is almost an over-supply of public hospitals and private clinics. The medical care offered in these private clinics is good, but also very expensive, so it can be used by only about 10% of Togolese. Thus, for almost 90% of the population, only the transition to public hospitals, but due to the desolate hygienic conditions and a serious lack of diagnostic and therapeutic means are hardly able to provide medical assistance. This dependence of the right to health and healing on the income and wealth of the individual is unacceptable.
In rural areas of Togo, the medical supply network is inadequate, while in the capital Lomé there is almost an over-supply of public hospitals and private clinics. The medical care offered in these private clinics is good, but also very expensive, so it can be used by only about 10% of Togolese. Thus, for almost 90% of the population, only the transition to public hospitals, but due to the desolate hygienic conditions and a serious lack of diagnostic and therapeutic means are hardly able to provide medical assistance. This dependence of the right to health and healing on the income and wealth of the individual is unacceptable.
3. Establishment of an information network and cooperation in the field of teaching
The project West Africa wants to promote the professional exchange via Internet between German and Togolese students, doctors and professors for mutual support in problematic situations. We aspire to this exchange in the sense of a curricular course, e.g. in the field of tropical medicine, to establish. At the University of Lomé there is a great need for teaching aids and learning materials, e.g. It is quite difficult to complete a histology course with only three microscopes and four preparations for a whole semester. Up to now, the students have to learn the lack of knowledge in everyday hospital life. Therefore, the West Africa project is planning a basic set up of the Lomé Faculty of Medicine with histological specimens and microscopes, but also with computers, scanners and printers, to give the Togolese students a practical and goal-oriented learning environment.
4. AIDS control, pollution education, ect
5. nutrition, health, development of traditional medicine
6. Education (esp. For the women and the disabled as well as the orphans).
These are the six new aims of the West Africa project. The student exchange, which has hitherto been the most important subject of our project, is by no means overshadowed by this. On the contrary, we hope that the new, clearly structured goals will attract more interested parties for future exchange projects - both as participants and as sponsors.